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3D and AR: The new code of data insight and customer delight
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3D and AR: The new code of data insight and customer delight

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September 5, 2022

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Customer data insights from 3D and augmented reality (AR) interactions are unlocking new growth in sales, competitive edge and ROI – heralding a spectacular new reality for businesses  


Key takeaways: 

  • 3D and AR interactions are capable of generating uniquely granular customer intent data 
  • Companies can analyze it to decode customer demands and tastes in unprecedented new ways and angles   
  • Businesses grabbing the opportunity are revolutionizing their customer journeys, sales and ROI

What is the meaning of data insight in business?

Data insights provide ‘hidden information’ from numbers, patterns and stats to help businesses and organizations decode trends, solve challenges and predict results. The domain of data insights – one of the pillars of digital transformation in the present age – draws from a wide variety of disciplines such as mathematics, statistics and computer programming. Data insight is becoming an increasingly indispensable tool of business transformation owing to its ability to enhance predictive strategy, improve decision-making, streamline processes, generate competitive edge and consistently grow smart. Indeed, companies that are data driven are 58% more likely to beat revenue goals than counterparts who are not (Forrester Consulting). 

Data insights_Big data statistics
Statista & Wikibon: SiliconANGLE. (2022, July 27). Big data market size revenue forecast worldwide from 2011 to 2027 [Graph]. The Global Big Data Market.

There are two kinds of data insights: Actionable data insight refers to specific cues and nudges meant to be converted into tangible activities for increasing efficiency, revenue and profits. Active data insight refers to real-time visibility and awareness of every aspect of an organization to build a practical framework for agile decision-making and swift action. 

Not long ago, knowing the target audience was enough to generate new business. Organizations could deploy commercial campaigns based on customer geography, tweak products based on customer reviews, and expect the ROI to roll in. But business isn’t so simple today. With multiple brands vying for the same target audience’s limited attention, businesses must stand out, engage and lure markets far more effectively and quickly. With little scope for trial and error, the challenge has become even greater. This is where data insights from customer behavior can engineer a marked disruption.

Website actions such as a scroll, a hover or a ‘wait time’ can generate valuable X-ray vision into customer intent. The information extracted from the insight can then go on to improve product offerings iteratively and create highly targeted engagement journeys for customers. Plenty of companies have used them to personalize content, connect with customers and increase their ROIs by up to 8X. And plenty more already have strategies brewing in their boardrooms.

With every business following the same playbook, the slightest differential can turn the game around. In this context, 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) emerges as a trump-card for organizations looking to steal an edge over their rivals, reboot growth after a pandemic-induced slump, or simply innovate new channels of growth. With a slew of unique features and USPs, 3D and AR tech takes data insights to a whole new level – by eliciting, amplifying and capturing customer emotion in real time

What is the difference between data, information and insights?

Data is unorganized and unrefined. When this ‘raw material’ is processed, it becomes information. Data insights are the conclusions one draws after analyzing this information

Data, once collected, can be organized into transferable information. Insights, on the other hand, come from analyzing processed data that reveals specific and relevant meaning. Here is an example that clarifies the difference:

  • Information: The digital dashboard of a business shows that a customer has spent three minutes viewing the product specs, and then clicked the ‘Buy’ button. 
  • Insight: This indicates that the product dimensions are a key factor in this customer’s buying decisions. 

In the above example, data and information quantify the phenomenon, while insight adds context, sense and significance to it. 

Data insight vs information


Deep diving into data insights in the context of 3D and augmented reality (AR)

How 3D-AR-generated data insights are helping businesses visualize and deploy brand-new paradigms in customer experience 

Data insights are a key cog in the business-transformation wheel. The term refers to the process of gathering, organizing, analyzing and acting on data. This includes customer data, campaigns, marketing channels and other touchpoints. Data insights, in any form, help to better understand customer intent and motivations, thus helping organizations and brands develop the right strategy, approach and tools to connect with them.

These are exciting times for businesses planning their digital-transformation journeys. Today, manufacturers and makers have the option of thinking beyond conventional ploys when it comes to accessing critical market-data insights, thanks to the exciting new advances in 3D and AR technologies. The result is a clearer-than-ever overview of customer motive, purpose and persona. This happens essentially because 3D and AR allow customers to visualize and interact with a product or prototype in unexplored and novel new ways. An immersive experience – one that allows users to tweak and personalize vital attributes of the product such as specs, color, background, context and orientation – builds wow moments, powerfully amplifies reaction and lets brands and businesses be privy to the inner sanctum of their customer’s mind, in order to glean priceless insights. 

For instance, if a customer spends three minutes hovering over a product on the e-commerce product page or website catalog, this could indicate a purchase intent at some future point. This constitutes a traditional form of data insight. However, if the business webpage features 3D and AR product integrations, data insights could reveal much more. So, if a customer spends five minutes toggling between different product colors and checking how the product blends with the physical ambience, one could conclude that aesthetics and appearance are key factors in purchase decisions. Indeed, one might even be able to figure out the exact color shade and shape, combine with other products to cross-sell and up-sell, and amplify the sales opportunity in unique new ways. 


Examples of data insight in 3D and AR

More data insights can be generated from interactions with 3D and AR objects than from any other customer channel

Customer interactions with 3D and AR technology generate novel data about customer preferences – data that would not be available without 3D and AR integrations on the website – marking a bold new era in digital transformation for businesses. After all, 3D and AR objects allow customers to interact with products along a very special spatial dimension: the Z-axis. Additionally, customer-preference data can be combined with other data – such as idle time on a page and other factors – to unveil even more granular and unique data insights. Here are some more examples of data insights generated from interactions with 3D and AR objects:

  • Time spent and tools used by customers for experimenting with product color indicates an interest in the visual appearance and aesthetic appeal of a product.
  • Time spent and tools used by users on repositioning and moving the product around tells us that locational coordinates (i.e., the habitat, setting or spot where the product will be placed) is their primary concern
  • Time spent and features used by users on resizing and reconfiguring is an indication that they are trying to understand if the product fits their spatial demands and restrictions

From dimensions, ergonomics, aesthetics and personality, to industry and even competition, 3D and AR interactions help product and sales teams collect vital insights into their prospects and markets – and realign their product, outreach and business strategy accordingly.

Once customer data has been collected, it is analyzed to generate the right data insights. For instance, based on collected data, it may be possible to assume that customers typically spend more time viewing product angles (as opposed to, for example, color) before making a purchase decision. But for this observation to become an insight, it must pass statistical tests while accounting for trends.


How to collect data insights with 3D and AR

Companies can collect granular customer data insights in real time, based on customers’ direct interactions with 3D and AR objects – it’s that simple

Generating customer data insights from interactions with 3D and AR objects is a two-step process, encompassing the collection of customer-interaction data and analyzing the data to garner insights. Data collected from the customers’ interactions in a 3D and AR environment can be classified in the following categories 

  • Observable data such as in-app interactions or screenshots of the projected space 
  • User-generated data such as behavioral interactions and motion-tracking data
  • Customer data from user profiles
  • Associated data, such as contact information, payment information and more


How businesses can capitalize on data insights through 3D & AR

Companies can leverage data insights from customer interactions with 3D and AR objects in several ways to grow their business

Customer data insights from activities such as product reviews, customer sales calls and time spent on the product page can reveal a lot about what goes into making a purchase decision. That bar of digital transformation, however, rises by several notches when one introduces a touch of 3D and AR tech. Integrating 3D-AR into the marketing / AIDA funnel or acquisition journey lets customers familiarize themselves with a product or prototype in an immersive and experiential way, building new bridges between product and prospect. 3D-AR features such as special viewing angles, options and scenarios can capture valuable customer wisdom for marketers and entrepreneurs, helping BD’s and SDRs reshuffle outreach strategy and elevate customer delight by several notches.  

For instance, if customers spend a major chunk of their time on the website examining how the product might blend with their own visual environment, it can be concluded that look and style will be a key consideration for the purchase. Product teams can then quickly reverse engineer in order to tweak features and build in benefits that solve pain points with laser precision, bring more value of the right kind and reimagine USPs to align them more closely with the tastes and demands of target markets – thus significantly improving marketing and sales outcomes. 

But that is not all. Data insights can also help simplify complex customer journeys. Say a customer spends 10 minutes each on different product pages on the website to compare product colors and 3D viewing angles. One could now experiment by providing a toggle to change the product views right from the webpage. If there is a reduction in the time spent viewing the product without a fall in customer conversions, it may be surmised that the customer journey, now fuss-free and quicker, has been understandably and memorably simplified. As all business and revenue custodians know, there are few things the empowered 21st-century buyer loves more. 


3D and AR is heralding the next era of data insight, business transformation and customer success

High-value data insights from prospects and customers are a function of personalized, seamless and spectacular discovery journeys – precisely what 3D and AR interactions are designed for 

The best way to convert curious prospects into paying patrons (who are happy to keep returning) is to listen to their (often-unexpressed) demands. And the process begins by exposing customers to moments and experiences they haven’t come across before. Novelty has a way of shaking up the psyche and opening up new conversations, resulting in profitable new possibilities for solution providers, manufacturers and businesses. 

Customer-data insights generated from 3D and AR interactions tick all the big boxes here by letting revenue, business and marketing leaders scratch the surface of customer intent and venture deeper. As digital transformation kicks into high gear across industries and sectors globally, new views into customers’ minds are engineering new visions for businesses. 

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